Sunday, May 23, 2010

Deep Breath!

So I've finished my challenge. I'm finding that it's really flippin' hard to commit myself to something like this AND do crazy school and work hours AND attempt to be healthier.

But no worries, dear readers.

I managed to squeeze in two recipes from the Vegetarian Times cookbook last week....for the same meal....on a Sunday. Hey, it works, right?

#1 & #2 - Pesto Mashed Potatoes & Sesame Broccoli
Wow, this is a sort of lovely picture!

The potatoes basically soaked up the broccoli's juices. It was tasty, but something was missing from both. There's an espresso cake in the Veg Times book that I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make, so I'll be making my third the future.

This week, I also made my challenge recipes from the Almost No Fat Cookbook for the same meal. I had a long, luxurious time in the kitchen, and I'm happy to say that it was time well spent. Well, except for the third recipe. The first two were delicious and used up sooooo many veggies I had laying around!

#1 - Enchilada Casserole

#2 - Spanish Rice (drowned in salsa)

#3 - (not pictured) tofu sour cream. I don't know what happened here. I think the tofu I bought THAT DAY was bad, cause this was awful. I've made variations of tofu sour cream before, so I know this wasn't supposed to taste rotten!

I have about 2 more weeks of school and then I can breathe and ready myself for the big kid's school. I've got Isa's East Coast Coffee Cake in the oven, variation chocolate chip + strawberries. It smells insane.

1 comment:

Karla said...

the coffee cake sounds heavenly! i'm a sucker for that kind of baked good. especially still warm from the oven.