Thursday, November 4, 2010

A student's vegan lunch, take 2!

Today's lunch was simple and so good. Dangerously good. In the thermos we have leftover quinoa, sprinkled with s & p, dried dill and garlic salt. That beautiful squash is kabocha squash, one of my favorites, smothered in tahini.

Today also brought the last CSA pick up of the year. I'm kind of sad about it, I loved not having to think about buying veggies. I will definitely go with the same farm next year, Love Farm Organics. Amy is incredibly sweet and the range of veggies I get is wonderful. Check out my very last haul:

On the top we have tomatoes, potatoes (fresh from the muddy ground!), braising greens, peppers, broccoli, radishes, a bulb of garlic, cabbage, brussel sprouts, the best celery in the world and an acorn and fairytale squash round up the bottom.

I'm making pizza tonight, so I'm going to tinker around with a roasted squash and garlic sauce. If it proves successful, I will have a recipe for you tomorrow!

Thank you so much for reading!

2 comments: said...

That squash really does look perfect.

KitteeBee said...

your lunch looks great. i would love to join a csa, but i worry that everything will just rot. i can be so lazy about using produce sometimes. a lot.
